Daily Posts...

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Exciting times

For a while now I have been struggling whether or not I should seek out the opportunity to go on a missions trip (particularly Africa), it has just been something that has been tugging at my little heart. Upon coming to Vanguard this semester I discover that they are planning to send a missions team to Africa this upcoming June. Now what do I do? Shall I go, shall I not. I basically had myself going crazy! I felt this is what God was calling me to do, but once again my feet were planted firm I was seriously doubting about going.

However, God is faithful even when I am not, and I have been affirmed more times over this past week concerning purpose, obedience, and listening to God's still small voice. God has certainly opened up the door of opportunity, one that I had been praying for, yet one that I was about to slam shut again.

Not this time though. The door has been open and by the grace of God I am taking a step of faith right through it! This will be my first mission trip experience and I am excited about what God has in store. I am going to help bring change, but I am going to be changed. It shall certainly be a life-changing experience.

Here are some of the details. We are leaving on the 9th of June and will be gone for around 4 weeks. First destination; a village in Nairobi. Part of the ministry here will be to help paint an all girls school. After our first week of ministry we will be travelling on bus for 7 hours to Moshi, Tanzania. Here will will be helping to build a youth shelter as we continue to share the love of Christ through our ministry. It is here we will stay until we are ready to return home. One of the very exciting things about this trip is that from day one we will be actually living with the villagers in their homes. It is going to be quite and experience, but exciting and amazing nonetheless.

So now the fundraising begins, as does the preparation. Please keep me in your prayers as I take this journey into a new horizon. Oh that we may be blessed by the work that God is already doing among the people of Africa, and become fellow workers in his great plan, to become part of his global workings. It is a privilege!

Posted by Jason Soper :: 8:55 PM :: 2 Comments:

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