Daily Posts...

Monday, January 23, 2006

Into the world of bloggers

Well......this is the world of the blogger...why I have not entered this world before, I do not know. However, I'm here now and excited to be part of the blog community because it is exciting to be able to enter into each other's world, to learn from one another, and to share experience and thoughts. So a big HELLO from this new blogger, and may this experience be a joyful one. I would love to talk a little more, but right now I am in Psychology class, discussing Erikson's psychosocial stages of development, trust vs mistrust, autonomy vs shame and doubt, industry vs inferiority.... exciting right? Sure it is.....maybe I will learn something about myself! So I must return to the world of psychology as I try to further my education (without missing out on too much, need to get the most of my money, ha!). So for now I have to say chat to ya later...but I will be back.


Posted by Jason Soper :: 4:18 PM :: 1 Comments:

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